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Publishing Events

Optimistic publish lifecycle

Read more about the local-first mode of operation.

Publishing Replaceable Events

Some events in Nostr allow for replacement.

Kinds 0, 3, range 10000-19999.

Range 30000-39999 is parameterized replaceable events, which means that multiple events of the same kind under the same pubkey can exist and are differentiated via their d tag.

Since replaceable events depend on having a newer created_at, NDK provides a convenience method to reset id, sig, and created_at to allow for easy replacement.

const existingEvent = await ndk.fetchEvent({ kinds: [0], authors: [<user-pubkey>]}); // fetch the event to replace
    [ "p", "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52" ] // follow a new user

Since this is a replaceable event but the id+sig+created_at hasn't been changed, this won't work.

ts = "";
existingEvent.sig = "";
existingEvent.created_at = undefined;
existingEvent.publish(); // this will work

or what's equivalent:
