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NDK uses signers optionally passed in to sign events. Note that it is possible to use NDK without signing events (e.g. to get someone's profile).

Signing adapters can be passed in when NDK is instantiated or later during runtime.

Using a NIP-07 browser extension (e.g. Alby, nos2x)

Instatiate NDK with a NIP-07 signer

// Import the package, NIP-07 signer and NDK event
import NDK, { NDKEvent, NDKNip07Signer } from "@nostr-dev-kit/ndk";

const nip07signer = new NDKNip07Signer();
const ndk = new NDK({ signer: nip07signer });

NDK can now ask for permission, via their NIP-07 extension, to...

Read the user's public key

nip07signer.user().then(async (user) => {
    if (!!user.npub) {
        console.log("Permission granted to read their public key:", user.npub);

Sign & publish events

const ndkEvent = new NDKEvent(ndk);
ndkEvent.kind = 1;
ndkEvent.content = "Hello, world!";
ndkEvent.publish(); // This will trigger the extension to ask the user to confirm signing.