Class NDKZapper



  • Parameters

    Returns NDKZapper


amount: number
comment?: string
maxRelays: number = 3
ndk: default
onCashuPay?: CashuPayCb

Called when a cashu payment is to be made. This function should swap/mint proofs for the required amount, in the required unit, in any of the provided mints and return the proofs and mint used.

onComplete?: ((results: Map<NDKZapSplit, undefined | Error | NDKPaymentConfirmation>) => void)
onLnPay?: LnPayCb
signer?: NDKSigner
tags?: NDKTag[]
target: NDKEvent | NDKUser
unit: string
zapMethod?: NDKZapMethod


  • Parameters

    • pubkey: string

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    the relays to use for the zap request